Scripture Memory

For years I have absolutely LOVED Beth Moore! She is inspiring and challenging. When she teaches difficult concepts they instantly become elementary (a testament of what a great teacher she really is!) Any way, she has always been someone I’ve looked up to but I just recently discovered she has a blog for her ministry. How in the world have I missed this gem! She and her team challenge and encourage me with EVERY post. And bonus, I LOVE that she constantly reinforces the need to be involved in a local church.

Back to my point, I noticed Beth (from here on out we are going to pretend like Beth and I are best friends. We do after all go way back, whether or not she realizes it.) So, Beth apparently does this Siesta Scripture Memory Challenge every year – You pick a verse every two weeks and commit to memorizing it. She has a blog post on the 1st and 14th of each month where you can share your verse and translation you are using.

Now when I think of memory verses, obviously VBS is one of the first things that comes to mind. But probably one of the most meaningful and first memories I have where I really learned scriptures was at Crosspoint (a summer camp) probably 1995 or ’96. Our group leader promised to dye his hair a crazy color if  so many of us learned every memory verse that week – and we did. To this day, I still remember the jist of those verses. Maybe not word for word but definitely the heart of the verses all because I was motivated to have some college kid dye his hair purple.

I’ve had other seasons since when I really focus on scripture memory, but honestly, it has been too long since the last time I put forth real effort. So, I’m joining in on Beth’s scripture memory team. I would love for some of you (who reads this thing anyway?) to join me! If you want to be official go here and join. It’s ok that your joining late. Don’t feel like you have to catch up. I don’t want this to become some legalistic thing to add to my “good christian checklist” Bleh! None of that.

Jesus used the Word when he was faced with temptation. The Bible clearly says that His word will not return void. So imagine what it would look like if we stood together and learned 26 verses. How would our prayer life be different? How would our bad days be different? How would our thoughts and emotions change? What would our marriages look like? It fires me up just thinking about it! So if you’ve read ALL this, I totally give you permission to ask me how I’m doing in this area, as long as you promise to show me grace – deal? I want His word buried deep.

So, here are my first two verses – Yes I did feel the need to catch up BUT I chose two verses that I mostly knew but tend to flip the words around and I never remember where they are located! I am also the type person that will write something I’ve already done onto my to-do list just so I can have the satisfaction of marking it off!

ok, verse #1

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things  Phil 4:8 NIV

verse #2
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline.
2 Timothy 1:7 NLT

If you decide this is something you are interested in doing, would you let me know? I would love to walk this out with some other people I actually know!