
Somehow I blinked my eyes and now my baby has turned into a “big” kindergartener. Last night he was so excited he kept asking to try on his backpack “just ONE more time!”


We skipped naps yesterday hoping that he would be tired enough to fall asleep. Sometime around 9:30 pm we had to fuss at him to go stay in his bed and go to sleep. But in my heart I remember well how exciting the night before school is and I couldn’t help but be thankful that my “big boy” chose his only pair of footie pajamas to sleep in last night. It was such a sweet reminder that though he thinks he’s all grown up, he really is still a sweet baby boy.


Early this morning I woke him and he happily came out to eat breakfast. Then in his sweet groggy voice he said “it’s just SO early and SOOO bright!” Then it seemed like seconds later her was running circles around me ready to help pack his lunch and go to school!

He took the traditional first day of school pictures!

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Then we took a picture in his class of 2026 shirt. I can’t wait to watch him grow into this shirt year after year. (Chris may have told me I was crazy while I was making this shirt. I assured him that I was allowed to be a little crazy, after all, I am sending my first born child to kindergarten!)


Today was early release and this momma was ready to pick him up at 1! I loved hearing him talk about much he already loves his new teacher and made lots of new friends (but he doesn’t know any of their names!). He loves everything about his new school and can’t wait to go back and do it all over again tomorrow!!


And bonus: He ate his entire ham sandwich at lunch today. That’s pretty huge in our world! Woot woot!!!

So tonight, we will go to Lane’s favorite restaurant, Don Pepe, and celebrate a wonderful first day of school! Tomorrow Lane gets to go back to school, then has a party for a new classmate, and he starts soccer too!! (Pray for his sweet teacher on Wednesday morning. Not sure if she’s taught a little zombie before, but I’m sure I will be dropping off one for her. I may need to send some more chocolate!)